Candle Colors and Their Meanings

Candles, as you may know, are one of the many ritual tools you can use for your spellwork. I would argue they are one of the most important tools to have in your spiritual arsenal! What I love about them is they are simple, rooted in old magick tradition, and they can be used to curate whatever intention you have for your spell. This curation comes in the form of colors. 

The candle color you use depends on the type of spellwork you’re doing. This fire element, combined with the symbolism of the color, will support you in directing energy towards what you desire. 

The special meaning of each color

  • White. White candles symbolize serenity and peace, and are oftentimes referred to as a blank slate candle. Use this color when you want to promote healing, clarity, and calm, or when you happen to run out of a color you are looking for.

  • Black. This is your protection candle. Black candles offer you protection from negative energy or any potential curses you may have. You may also use this color to encourage the cessation of bad habits and healing disease, and you may pair it with another color to ensure bad energy does not infiltrate your spell.

  • Red. You may have guessed it, but this is your candle for passionate love. Use red candles when you want to invoke love, lust, courage, vitality, confidence, or even justice. You may consider using this candle in a spell prior to a work presentation or when you start dating consistently. 

  • Pink. We normally think of red candles for love, but pink candles represent love, too. Except with this color, romantic love is the intention. Pink candles should also be used when you are working towards friendship, emotional healing, or reconciliation. It is a perfect candle for manifesting self-love, and it is great for spells that call for beauty.

  • Purple. This is the best candle for when you are seeking out ancient wisdom. Use purple candles when you need spiritual cleansing, guidance, or connection to divination. 

  • Blue. Blue candles are perfect for manifesting psychic awareness, developing peace, and providing harmony in one’s life and relationships. Blue can also be used to promote positive dreaming and emotional healing from trauma.

  • Green. Abundance is the best use case for a green candle. Use a green candle in your spellwork when you are in need of luck, health, fertility, and financial success.

  • Orange. Your creativity candle! Orange candles are for when you need to remove a creative block, or you are manifesting more ambition, energy, or success. Much like red candles, the orange candles can be used for career intentions, except for orange, it’s more so used for new opportunities. 

  • Yellow. Yellow is an excellent candle to use for spellwork that revolves around communication, as it is associated with the air element. These candles strengthen your focus and academic success, and they make travel intentions come to life. 

  • Gold. Gold candles allow you to invoke more willpower and more sun-like energy into your spellwork, and they are often used to represent deities (especially of the masculine nature). 

  • Brown. This is your grounding candle. Brown candles are used when you are working on a family matter, when you are trying to attract or benefit from material goods, or when you are in need of stability and trust. For example, this is a lovely candle to use when you are selling an asset or looking to purchase one. 

Like most ritual tools, candles enhance your manifestation and magic practices, so be sure to keep them near your altar to use when ready! 


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